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Rotaract Club Zagreb Kaptol

Rotaract Club Zagreb Kaptol was established in 2016 as a new generation of Rotary Club Zagreb Kaptol members.

The initiator (“godfather”) of Rotaract Club Zagreb Kaptol was Krešimir Dretar, a long-time member of Rotary club Zagreb Kaptol. Yvonn Dretar became the club’s first president. In 2017-2018 Stjepan Puljić took over the presidency. The current president for 2018-2019 is Dominik Vukušić.

Rotaract Club Zagreb Kaptol is currently composed of 15 enthusiastic and optimistic young people with everlasting smiles on their faces with a mission to leave a positive impact on their community and help those in need by hard work and commitment. The club meets every Tuesday at 8pm in 2, Planinska Street, where plans are made for further humanitarian actions and projects. 

Rotaract club Zagreb Kaptol successfully completed several humanitarian projects, but we distinguished ourselves particularly by organising a big humanitarian fashion show project aptly titled Fashion&Compassion. For the last two years the members have been collaborating with the University of Zagreb Faculty of Textile Technology on the fashion show that gives the opportunity to those most creative among Croatian designers to present their collections to the wider public and to get constant media coverage.

e-mail: rotaract@rotary-kaptol.hr

fb: https://www.facebook.com/rotaractzagrebkaptol/

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